well long long time din update the blog already ~ really too busy and also lazy ... anyway, there is something i need to share today ~
yesterday a girl PM me in FB, say something "you like me?", when i saw this, i stunned a bit cause i think i have wrote something in her recent birthday card i give her ~ so i just reply may be yes...
As she reply me, you are a nice person, but................................................(well i dun wan tell here) ~ hmm...for me, this is the N times i heard from girl >> you are a nice person, but................................
SO, "BUT" again ... considered i have been issued a 好人卡 from that gal? For me, i wont feel sad in this case, just my friend told me 你又得到了一张好人卡 ~ sad case huh...coz i din express it out, just she suddenly asked me then i have to answer it honestly ~
I wish next time I heard this >> You are a nice person, so...............................NO MORE BUT xD